Moduleering is both a business and a research oriented company. We are required to constantly present a state-of-the-art software, always selecting the best available method. Frequently, their availability overcomes our needs and it’s up to our team to open new ways towards the solution. The variety of the academic and professional background of our members combines into the pioneering company that Moduleering is.
Moduleering’s group is open-minded and receptive to connect with other entities to successfully carry out its goals. It is important to work with a variety of people, from interns and graduate students to active and established members of the academic community. Moduleering recognizes that each individual can play a unique and particular role in any innovative way towards scientific and technological advance. Our members keep strong professional relations with people in industry and academia, which can lead into fast development of collaboration growth.
In the frame of collaborations, Moduleering has augmented its activities in the fields of multiphysics simulation and other scientific computing, HPC, data analysis, artificial intelligence, computer-aided engineering. It has participated in various industry financed projects, but also in state and international funded programmes and calls.
The partnerships that Moduleering has developed throughout its existence, involve collaborations with Universities, such as the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Democritus University of Thrace, and the University of Western Macedonia.